Reference Guide

Option Valid Arguments Description
hexadecimal format. The value can optionally contain 0x. The
decimal range is 0–255, and the hexadecimal range is 0x00–
A:>syscfg -b 1
The state byte has been set to 1.
A:>syscfg -b 2 -x
The state byte has been set to 0x02.
-r or --read*
asterisk is not
part of the
Reads the value of state data. When used with the -x option,
the value is reported in hexadecimal format (0xNN).
A:>sysfg -r -x
The state byte has been set to 0x02.
A:>syscfg -r
The state byte has been set to 2.
-x or --hex
Specifies that a value should be in hexadecimal format.
A:>sysfg -r -x
The state byte has been set to 0x01.
A:>sysfg -x -b 0x02
The state byte has been set to 0x02.
SYSCFG for System Configuration
SYSCFG enables system configuration and reporting. It reports system identification values, processor
types and speeds, memory size, and detects device using PCI scan.
Options For System Configuration
Table below documents valid options and arguments along with a description of the expected behavior
of each option. Options and arguments are case sensitive. All options and pre-defined arguments are
lowercase unless stated otherwise.
NOTE: Some of the following options or arguments might not be available on all systems. Some of
the command line options are followed by an asterisk. Such options are used for reporting purposes
Table 7. SYSCFG Options and Arguments for System Configuration
Option Valid Arguments Description
Reports the customer-programmable asset tag number for a
system. This option displays the asset tag for a system. For
Blade systems, the SYSCFG utility reports the asset tag for
both the server module and the asset tag for its chassis. For