Reference Guide

Error Code Message
192 The set operation failed because system is busy now . Try
again later.
193 New value for the token not valid.
194 Token not found.
195 The set operation failed because System Services and/or CSIOR
196 The set operation failed due to pending System Password
197 The set operation failed due to Password verification failure.
198 The set operation failed due to previously scheduled job.
199 The set operation failed because attribute is suppressed.
200 The set operation failed due to Generic failure.
201 XML path context creation failed.
202 Unable to parse XML.
203 Unable to connect data manager.
204 'root' privileges required to execute this application.
205 Invalid alert destination.
206 The set operation failed due to unspecified error.
207 Incorrect syntax for help. For more information about a
particular command, use the option '-h or --help' followed by
the command name. Example: %s -h --asset
208 System is busy now.Try again later.
Failures And Solutions
The following table lists the common SYSCFG failures and their solution.
Table 39. SYSCFG Failures and Solutions
Failure Messages Solutions
Generic failure. Indicates iDRAC is in bad state. Reboot iDRAC.
New value not valid. Make sure the changed value is valid.
Cannot disable this
orderedList’s entries.
BIOS does not support enabling or disabling of a particular boot order
System busy, try again later. Retry as iDRAC is busy with internal processing.
Unable to connect IDRAC data
Start data manager service using srvadmin_services (specific to