CLI Guide

Error Code Message
14 The community string may only contain printable ASCII
15 Destination unavailable. Cannot deliver request to selected
16 Cannot execute command. Insufficient privilege level.
17 Command illegal for specified sensor or record type.
18 Invalid commstring value.
19 Hardware subsystem error. Invalid data field in Request.
20 Invalid destination IP address.
21 The GUID is invalid.
22 Invalid gateway.
23 Invalid hostname.
24 Invalid IP address.
25 Invalid DNS IP address.
26 Invalid sub net mask.
27 Invalid value for PEF. PEF value should be between 1 and 16.
28 Reservation Canceled or Invalid Reservation ID.
29 Invalid Time to live value.
30 Invalid VLANID value.
31 Invalid Command. Used to indicate an unrecognized or
unsupported command.
32 Command invalid for given LUN.
33 Load defaults cannot be accompanied with any other option.
34 There was an error loading the defaults.
35 Node Busy. Command could not be processed because command
processing resources are temporarily unavailable.
36 Out of space. Command could not be completed because of a lack
of storage space required to execute the given command
37 This parameter is not supported.
38 Parameter out of range. One or more parameters in the data
field of the Request are out of range.
39 The password may only contain printable ASCII characters.