Installation Guide

Chapter 2: Advanced Programming
tem is stay armed, this zone will be active, but when it is tripped, it will ini-
tiate the entry delay.
[87] Delayed 24 Hour Fire (Wireless): If this zone is violated (e.g. the smoke
detector senses smoke), the alarm will immediately sound, but the alarm
communication to the central station will be delayed for 30 seconds. If dur-
ing the 30 second delay the user presses the [#] key, the alarm and commu-
nicator will be delayed an additional 90 seconds. This provides time for a
user to correct the problem.
If a second Fire zone is violated, or if the Fire keys are pressed dur-
ing the delay time, the panel will latch the alarm output and communicate
[88] Standard 24 Hour Fire (Wireless): When this zone is violated (e.g. the
smoke detector senses smoke), the panel will immediately latch the alarm
output and communicate to central station. The alarm will sound for the
Bell Cutoff time programmed in Section [005], or can be programmed to
sound until a valid code is entered (Section [014], Option [8]).
A faulty fire zone will not inhibit arming.
2.3.2 Zone
Each zone will operate according to the Zone Definition selected for it (see 2.3.1
Zone Definitions on page 36).
You can customize the operation of a zone for a specific application by changing
the zone attributes. The following attributes are programmable by zone:
Do not change attributes for Fire Zones from the default settings.
Audible/Silent Determines whether the zone will activate the alarm output or
will be silent.
Pulsed/Steady Determines if the alarm output will be steady or pulse on for 1
second and off for one second.
Activate Chime Determines if the zone will activate the chime feature (see
[*] [4] Door Chime On/Off on page 29).
Bypass Enable Determines if the zone can be manually bypassed (see section
[*] [1] Zone Bypassing on page 27).
Force Arm Enable Determines if the system can be armed with the zone vio-
lated. At the end of exit delay, if this type of zone is violated, it will be ignored
by the system. Once the zone is secured it will be added back into the system.
This zone attribute is useful for a garage door. The customer can arm the system
with the garage door open. Later when the customer closes the door it
becomes part of the system.
24-hour zones must not have Force Arm enabled.
Swinger Shutdown Enable Determines if the system will shut down the
communicator for the zone after the swinger limit is reached (see2.3.18
Swinger Shutdown on page 54).
Transmission (TX) Delay Enable Determines if the system will delay commu-
nicating the alarm reporting code to the central station (see 2.3.12
CommunicatorReporting Codes on page 47).