
Kangaroo x2 Inputs and Connections
Kangaroo x2 requires at minimum one signal input, one feedback input, one motor and must be
connected to a Sabertooth or SyRen motor driver to operate.
Feedback Input
Kangaroo supports 5v optical, magnetic
or mechanical quadrature encoders.
Index pins may be used to make the
homing and range more accurate if
desired. Connections are to the GND, I,
A, 5v and B pins in a single row .1” pitch
pin header type connection. Encoders
can be either push-pull or open collector
type. With open collector encoders, it
may be necessary to add stronger 1k
ohm pull-ups between the A,B and I
channels and 5V if a long encoder cable
is used.
Kangaroo also supports 0-5v analog
feedback for use with potentiometers.
To use analog feedback, connect the potentiometer’s wiper to the A feedback input. Connect one side
of the potentiometer to the 5V terminal and the other side to the B terminal.
Quadrature Encoder
Quadrature Encoder with Index