Technical data

Link Mode
In link mode, both channels of the alpha compressor can be coupled and operated with the con-
trollers and switches of the left control panel. Please consider the following important notes:
Both sides of the alpha compressor utilize exactly identical electronic modules that could even be
interchanged with each other in principle. This grants a high equality of signal processing in the
left and right channel, which is especially important in stereo mode. Another result is the excellent
isolation of both channels from each other, and the audio quality will not decline because there
are no lossy to and fro signal routings in the circuitry.
As an eect of this design approach, only the control functions of the compressor (marked green
in the gure) are combined in link mode. The left control panel becomes the master, that is the
settings for the left channel are transferred to the right channel therefore the settings of the
particular controllers on the right side are not relevant in link mode.
At the same time this means that the audio functions of the compressor (marked orange) are not
combined. In linked stereo mode please pay attention to set the controllers and switches for both
EQ, mix and gain sections identically. Otherwise an audible drift between the left and the right
channel might occur.
In linked M/S mode, however, you can set the EQ, mix and gain stages to dierent values to achieve
certain eects. For example, you can use dissimilar settings of the gain controllers to alter the ste-
reo width (more information on page 24) or you can employ the EQ stages for mid and side signals
In the signal path, the Soft Clip limiters are located after the M/S decoder. This means that the lim-
iters are completely independent from the operation mode of the alpha compressor – they always
work in stereo. The limiters are also not aected by the status of the link function and therefore
have to be set at the same values every time they are engaged.
BASICS Link Mode
Soft Clip
Gain Reduction
M/S Mode Active Channel Link
Mix Gain
EQ Freq
SC Gain
SC FreqEQ Gain
Auto FastFeed Forward
Auto Fast
x10 On
TransformerDirect Compressed On
Thresh Attack Release Ratio
Soft Clip
EQ Freq SC Gain
EQ Gain
Feed Forward
x10 On
TransformerDirect Compressed On
Soft Clip
SC Freq