Technical Specifications

Block Error
Error Messages
Block Error
Table 18 lists parameters that reflect the error status associated with hardware or
software components associated with the list block. The error parameter is a bit string,
multiple errors can be displayed.
120 Temperature sensor failure
121 Pressure sensor failure
122 Operation drift point warning
Deviation error Exceed the seconds DEVIATION_TIME_TH[2]
timer with DEVIATION_LIM
124 Position failure
125 A-D converter failure
Table 18 Error Bit Strings
Block Error Bit Position Error
Resource block RB_BLOCK_ERR
bit 3 Simulate Active **
bit 5 Default Fault State
bit 10 Lost Static Data
bit 11 Lost NV Data
bit 13 Device Needs Maintenance Now
bit 15 Out of Service
Transducer block TB.BLOCK_ERR
bit 0 Other
bit 15 Out of Service
bit 3 Simulate Active **
bit 4 Local Override
bit 7 Input Failure-process variable has BAD status
bit 15 Out-of-Service
Discrete input block DI.BLOCK_ERR
Table 17 Error Messages (Continued)
XD Error Message Possible Cause