DCP552 Mark II Digital Control Programmer User's Manual

DCP552 Parameter Work Sheet
No. Item code Item
Factory default
User Settings and descriptions
79 PA 79
PV2 equalizer compensation point No. 5
2000 PVU –19999 to +20000 PVU(PV2)
80 PA 80
PV2 equalizer compensation amount No. 5
0 PVU –1000 to +1000 PVU(PV2)
81 PA 81
PV2 equalizer compensation point No. 6
2500 PVU –19999 to +20000 PVU(PV2)
82 PA 82
PV2 equalizer compensation amount No. 6
0 PVU –1000 to +1000 PVU(PV2)
83 PA 83
PV2 equalizer compensation point No. 7
3000 PVU –19999 to +20000 PVU(PV2)
84 PA 84
PV2 equalizer compensation amount No. 7
0 PVU –1000 to +1000 PVU(PV2)
85 PA 85
PV2 equalizer compensation point No. 8
3500 PVU –19999 to +20000 PVU(PV2)
86 PA 86
PV2 equalizer compensation amount No. 8
0 PVU –1000 to +1000 PVU(PV2)
87 PA 87
PV2 equalizer compensation point No. 9
4000 PVU –19999 to +20000 PVU(PV2)
88 PA 88
PV2 equalizer compensation amount No. 9
0 PVU –1000 to +1000 PVU ( PV2 )
89 PA 89
PV2 equalizer compensation point No. 10
Range upper
PV2 range upper limit value (tied)
limit value
90 PA 90
PV2 equalizer compensation amount No. 10
0 PVU –1000 to +1000 PVU(PV2)
93 PA 93 Auto-tuning (CH2) 0 0 : AT not performed
1:standard AT performed on currently used PID group in
mode other than READY mode.
AT writing overshoot-proof PID values to currently used
PID groups in mode other than READY mode performed.
3:Standard AT performed on PID groups A1 to A7 in
READY mode.
4:AT writing overshoot-proof PID values to PID groups A1
to A7 in READY mode continuously performed.
94 PA 94
Auto-tuning MV lower limit (CH2)
0.0 -5.0 to upper limit %
95 PA 95
Auto-tuning MV upper limit (CH2)
100.0 Lower limit to +105%
96 PA 96
PID computation initialize (CH2)
00:No initialization during advance processing and PID
group change
1:Initializes during advance processing but not during PID
group change
2: No initialization during advance processing but
initializes during PID group change
3:Initializes both during advance processing and PID
group change
97 PA 97
CPU computation compensation
00:no compensation
98 PA 98
CP value (PV) display lower limit value
0.000 0 to upper limit SPU (CH2)
99 PA 99
CP value (PV) display upper limit value
4.000 lower limit to 4000 SPU (CH2)
100 PA100 Gas constant 23.5 10.0 to 50.0
101 PA101 CP computation compensation 0.000 0 SPU (CH2) (tied)
No.1 compensation point
102 PA102 CP computation compensation 0.000 -1000 to +1000 SPU (CH2)
No.1 compensation amount
103 PA103 CP computation compensation 0.200 0 to 2000 SPU (CH2)
No.2 compensation point
104 PA104 CP computation compensation 0.000 -1000 to +1000 SPU (CH2)
No.2 compensation amount
105 PA105 CP computation compensation 0.400 0 to 2000 SPU (CH2)
No.3 compensation point
106 PA106 CP computation compensation 0.000 -1000 to +1000 SPU (CH2)
No.3 compensation amount
107 PA107 CP computation compensation 0.600 0 to 2000 SPU (CH2)
No.4 compensation point
108 PA108 CP computation compensation 0.000 -1000 to +1000 SPU (CH2)
No.4 compensation amount
109 PA109 CP computation compensation 0.800 0 to 2000 SPU (CH2)
No.5 compensation point
110 PA110 CP computation compensation 0.000 -1000 to +1000 SPU (CH2)
No.5 compensation amount
denotes items settable only on models with CP compensation