Software Suite for Oracle Instruction Manual

Installing Recovery Manager on Linux Systems
Recovery Manager for Oracle User’s Guide
3.3 Installing Recovery Manager on Linux Systems
Use the instructions in this section to install 3PAR Recovery Manager software on both the
primary and backup hosts.
3.3.1 Starting Installation
The following section describes the steps necessary for installing 3PAR Recovery Manager on a
Linux system:
To install 3PAR Recovery Manager:
1 Log in as the
root user.
2 Insert the 3PAR Recovery Manager CD into a CD-ROM drive.
3 Change to the CD-ROM drive.
4 Issue the
rpm command as follows:
CAUTION: When upgrading to a newer version of 3PAR Recovery Manager, any
previously installed versions of Recovery Manager must be removed. Use the rpm
-e VCDBAora
command to remove the previously installed package.
NOTE: If the CD is not mounted automatically, you can mount it manually.
# mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
# cd /mnt/cdrom0
# rpm –ihv –-percent -–nodeps VCDBAora-302-1.i386.rpm