Command Reference Guide

For a virtual volume with user space that is not provisioned from a CPG, "createaldvv", "growaldvv",
and "tunealdvv" commands should be used instead.
To determine whether or not the user space of the virtual volume is provisioned from a CPG, use
the "showvv -cpgalloc" command.
The following table displays the type of the virtual volume (It is the "Type" column of "showvv"
output) and its corresponding CLI commands for creating, growing, and tuning:
From a CPGNot from a CPGNoSnapshot Space
User Space
Base, cpvv
- growaldvv
Full Provisioned,
not from a CPG
- growaldvv- growaldvv
- tunealdvv
- tunealdvv- tunealdvv
Base, cpvv
Full Provisioned,
from a CPG
- growvv- growvv- growvv
- tunevv- tunevv- tunevv
Base, tpvv
creatpvv, creatvv
N/AN/AThin Provision
- growpvv, growvv
- tunepvv, tunevv
VV Name Patterns
# clihelp sub,vvnamepat
sub,vvnamepat - patterns supported for VV names
Some commands allow the use of VV name patterns to indicate the destination virtual volume
name(s) for the command. These patterns are expanded based upon information such as the source
virtual volume, allowing a single pattern string to represent a group of different VVs. The following
patterns are supported:
@count@ - The current count of VVs created.
@vvname@ - The name of the current volume being snapshot.
In addition the following date/time related patterns are supported where it makes sense (not when
the destination should already exist, but when we are creating a new volume):
@a@ - Abbreviated weekday name (Mon, Tue, etc.).
@A@ - Full weekday name (Monday, Tuesday, etc.).
@b@ - Abbreviated month name (Jan, Feb, etc.).
@B@ - Full month name.
@C@ - First two digits of the four-digit year (19 or 20).
@d@ - Day of month (01 - 31).
@e@ - Day of month (1 - 31), no leading zeros.
@g@ - The ISO8601 year number corresponding to the ISO8601 week (%V), expressed as a
two-digit year-of-the-century, with leading zero if necessary.
VV Name Patterns 15