Command Reference Guide

Suppresses the requested confirmation before growing a virtual volume with a different RAID type
than the last region of the existing virtual volume, or when the virtual volume size grows from under
2 T to over 2 T.
t <RAID_type>
Specifies the RAID type with r0, r1, r5 or r6. If not specified, the default RAID type is the same
as the last region of the existing virtual volume. Specifying a different RAID type than the existing
virtual volume results in a warning message and a prompt for confirmation unless the f option
is specified.
ssz <size_number_chunklet>
Specifies the set size in terms of chunklets. The default depends on the RAID type specified. If the
RAID type is not specified or if the same RAID type as the last region of the existing virtual volume
is specified, the default is the same set size as the last region of the existing VV. Otherwise, the
default is 2 for RAID-1, 4 for RAID-5, and 8 for RAID-6.
rs <size>
Specifies the number of sets in a row for each logical disk using an integer between 1 and
2147483647. If not specified, no row limit is imposed.
ss <size_KB>
Specifies the step size in kilobytes using 32, 64, 128, 256, or 512. The default depends on whether
the RAID type is specified. If the RAID type is not specified or is the same RAID type as the last
region of the existing virtual volume, the default is the same step size as the last region of the virtual
volume. Otherwise, the step size defaults to 256 KB for RAID-0 and RAID-1, and 128 KB for RAID-5.
For RAID-6 the step size is a function of the set size.
ha <port>|<cage>|<mag>
Specifies that the RAID layout must support a failure of one port pair, one cage, or one mag. The
default depends on whether the RAID type is specified. If the RAID type is not specified or if the
same RAID type as the last region of the existing virtual volume is specified, the default is the same
as the last region of the existing virtual volumes. Otherwise the default is cage. This option has no
meaning for RAID-0. Note that snap admin space is always created with cage availability.
ch first|last
Specifies the chunklet location preference characteristics, either first (the lowest numbered chunklets)
or last (the highest numbered chunklets). If no argument is specified, the default characteristic is
pct <prc>
Specifies the required growth size of the snapshot volume as a percentage of the required growth
size of your volume (as specified with the -szu option). This option must be used with the -szu
option, and cannot be used with the -szs option. If not specified, the default value is zero percent
of your user volume.
wait <secs>
If the growaldvv command fails due to the lack of clean space, the -wait option specifies the
number of seconds to wait for the system to clean the dirty space before returning. If -wait 0 is
issued, the command returns immediately. If this option is not used, the command will keep waiting
for dirty chunklets to be cleaned if enough space will be available with the dirty chunklets cleaned.
Specifies that the command is a dry run and that no logical disks or virtual volumes are created.
verbose on|off
Specifies that verbose output is either enabled (on) or disabled (off). If not specified, verbose
output is disabled.
p <pattern>
172 Grow Commands