Command Reference Guide

16 Import Command
The importvv command initiates the migration of data from a remote LUN to the local HP 3PAR
Storage System. The remote LUN must be prepared for migration by using the admitvv command
before using the importvv command.
importvv [options] <usrcpg> <VV_name|pattern|VV_set> ...
Super, Service, Edit
Any role granted the vv_import right.
Specifies that the command is forced. If this option is not used, the command requires confirmation
before proceeding with its operation.
-snap <snapname>
Creates a snapshot of the volume at the end of the import phase. While the data is being imported,
the local volume and the remote volume are kept in sync (i.e., all the data that is written while data
is getting imported is mirrored to the remote array.) Once the volume import is complete, data is
only written to the volume on the array that was importing the data and the volume on the old
array will no longer be updated. The -snap parameter will create a snapshot at the last phase
of the import and the content of the created snapshot will be identical to the state of the volume
on the old array when the import task is completed.
If multiple VVs are being imported in a single command, <snapname> should be a VV pattern.
See help sub,vvnamepat for details.
-snp_cpg <snp_cpg>
Specifies the name of the CPG from which the snapshot space will be allocated. This option needs
to be specified if the -snap option is used.
The following options can be used when creating thinly provisioned volumes:
Imports the volume into a thinly provisioned space in the CPG specified in the command line. The
import will enable zero detect for the duration of import so that the data blocks containing zero
do not occupy space on the new array.
Specifies the name of the CPG from which the volume user space will be allocated. If the -tpvv
option is specified, the volume is thinly provisioned. Otherwise, the volume is fully provisioned.
Specifies the VVs with the specified name (up to 31 characters in length), matching the glob-style
pattern or that are members of the supplied VV set is imported onto local storage. The VV set name
must start with set:. This specifier can be repeated to import multiple VVs at the same time.
204 Import Command