Command Reference Guide

17 Locate Commands
The locatecage command allows system administrators to locate a drive cage, drive magazine,
or port in the system using the devices’ blinking LEDs.
The syntax for the locatecage command can be one of the following:
To locate an entire drive cage:
locatecage [option <arg>] <cage_name>
To locate a drive magazine:
locatecage [option <arg>] <cage_name> <mag>
To locate a port:
locatecage [option <arg>] <cage_name> <port_name>
Super, Service
Any role granted the cage_locate right.
NOTE: You need access to all domains in order to run this command.
t <sec>
Specifies the number of seconds, from 0 through 255 seconds, to blink the LED. If the argument is
not specified, the option defaults to 60 seconds.
Specifies the drive cage name as shown in the Name column of showcage command output.
Indicates the port specifiers. Accepted values are A0|B0|A1|B1|A2|B2|A3|B3. If a port is
specified, the port LED will oscillate between green and off. The <port_name> specifier is not
supported for DC3 drive cages.
Indicates the drive magazine by number.
For DC1 drive cages, accepted values are 0 through 4.
For DC2 and DC4 drive cages, accepted values are 0 through 9.
For DC3 drive cages, accepted values are 0 through 15.
Access to all domains is required to run this command.
The <port_name> specifier is not supported for DC3 drive cages.
206 Locate Commands