Command Reference Guide

failed. Indicates the chunklet was not moved.
Detailed_State. Provides additional details of the move with General Information, Error
Information, or Degraded Information.
General Information:
dest_unknown. Destination is unknown.
dest_unknown. Destination is known.
valid_move. Source and Destination are valid.
ch_moved. Chunklet was moved.
ch_move_pending. Chunklet move is pending due to -nowait option.
move_error. Error moving chunklet.
Error Information:
error_type_unknown. An unknown error occurred.
spares_not_found. No suitable spares available.
duplicate_src. Duplicate source input.
duplicate_dest. Duplicate destination in chunklet list.
src_relocating. Source is relocating.
ch_synching. Chunklet is synchronizing.
src_no_ld. Source not associated with an LD.
src_ld_invalid. Source associated with invalid LD.
src_set_invalid. Source is in invalid set.
src_not_found. Source chunklet does not exist.
invalid_dest. Destination is invalid.
move_failed. Chunklet move failed.
disk_relocating. Disk is relocating.
Degraded Information:
disks_reused_in_row. Disks reused in row.
connection_degraded. Disks reused in row.
remote_pds_used. Connection Degraded.
ldpattern_not_obeyed. LD pattern was not obeyed.
raid_availability_reduced. RAID availability reduced.
214 Move Commands