Command Reference Guide

The columns in the previous example are identified as follows:
Status. The overall status of the move.
normal. Indicates the chunklet has successfully moved with no loss of quality.
degraded. Indicates the chunklet has successfully moved with loss of quality.
failed. Indicates the chunklet was not moved.
Detailed_State. Provides additional details of the move with General Information, Error
Information, or Degraded Information.
General Information:
dest_unknown. Destination is unknown.
dest_unknown. Destination is known.
valid_move. Source and Destination are valid.
ch_moved. Chunklet was moved.
ch_move_pending. Chunklet move is pending due to -nowait option.
move_error. Error moving chunklet.
Error Information:
error_type_unknown. An unknown error occurred.
spares_not_found. No suitable spares available.
duplicate_src. Duplicate source input.
duplicate_dest. Duplicate destination in chunklet list.
src_relocating. Source is relocating.
ch_synching. Chunklet is synchronizing.
src_no_ld. Source not associated with an LD.
src_ld_invalid. Source associated with invalid LD.
src_set_invalid. Source is in invalid set.
src_not_found. Source chunklet does not exist.
invalid_dest. Destination is invalid.
move_failed. Chunklet move failed.
disk_relocating. Disk is relocating.
Degraded Information:
disks_reused_in_row. Disks reused in row.
connection_degraded. Disks reused in row.
remote_pds_used. Connection Degraded.
ldpattern_not_obeyed. LD pattern was not obeyed.
raid_availability_reduced. RAID availability reduced.
The destination PDs do not need to be specified as the system automatically determines the
spare locations.
Specifying the dr option can be used to see if the specified moves succeeds and the results
(quality) of the moves.
218 Move Commands