Command Reference Guide

The following example changes the optimization bias (mode) of an AO configuration called aocfg1
to Performance.
cli% setaocfg -mode Performance aocfg1
The following example sets the tier1 CPG for AO configuration aocfg2 to R5FCcpg. R5FCcpg
must not already be used in an AO configuration, and the tier 1 CPG for aocfg2 must not already
be set.
cli% setaocfg -t1cpg R5FCcpg aocfg2
The following example swaps a CPG between tiers.
cli% setaocfg -t0cpg R1SSDcpg -t2cpg R6NLcpg aocfg3
The following example removes a CPG from a tier. This assumes that aocfg1 has 3 tiers initially.
cli% setaocfg -t0cpg "" aocfg1
setaocfg 273