Command Reference Guide

The setauthparam command is used to set the authentication and authorization parameters.
The syntax of the setauthparam command can be one of the following:
setauthparam [-f] <param> <value>
setauthparam [-f] <map-param> <map-value>...
setauthparam [-f] -clear <param>...
setauthparam [-f] -clearall
Any role granted the authparam_set right.
Does not ask for a confirmation before performing the operation.
Clears all the authentication parameters.
Clears only the specified authentication parameters.
Specifiers for the setauthparam command can be issued as the following:
<param> <value> - See “Values for setauthparam Specifiers” (page 274).
<map_param> <map_value> - See “Examples of Domain Name Prefix Effects” (page 276)
<param> - See “Values for Specifiers <map-param> and <map-value>” (page 276).
Table 3 Values for setauthparam Specifiers
Numeric IP address of the LDAP server.ldap-server
Indicates the host name of the LDAP server. This value must
be set when the ldap-reqcert option is set or the
sasl-mechanism option is set to GSSAPI. The value is
the name of the LDAP server in its certificate or the value
of the LDAP principal stored in the Kerberos database, and
will usually be a fully-qualified domain name.
Indicates the port of the LDAP server (default: 389 for
non-SSL, 636 for SSL).
To use SSL when communicating with the LDAP server, set
the value to 1. (The default value is 0).
Indicates whether a valid server certificate should be
required in order to proceed (The default value is 0).
274 Set Commands