Command Reference Guide

In the example above:
Node. The node ID.
Name. The node name.
State. The state of the node. Values are as follows:
--. Cannot determine the overall node state.
OK. The node and its components are operating normally.
Degraded. For T-Series and S-Series nodes, the node is degraded due to a missing,
failed, or degraded power supply. For E-series nodes, the node is degraded to due a
missing or degraded fan.
Failed. The node has not initialized, is offline, has mismatching kernal versions has
bad drive partitions, is rebooting, or has shutdown.
Master. Specifies is the node is the master node.
InCluster. Indicates if the node is in the cluster.
LED. The node LED information. Values are as follows:
--. The node LED is unknown.
off. The node LED is off.
Green. The kernal is not running.
GreenBlink. The node is in normal state.
Amber. The node is degraded or failed and the kernel is not running.
AmberBlink. The node is degraded or failed.
Control Mem(MB). The total memory in the node in MB.
Data Mem(MB). The total data memory in the node in MB.
The following examples display detailed information (d option) for the nodes including their
components in a table format. The shownode -d command can be used to display the tail
information of the nodes including their components in name and value pairs.
cli% shownode -d
-----------------------------------Physical Memory------------------------------------
Node Riser Slot SlotID -Name-- -Usage- --Type--- --Manufacturer--- -Serial- -Latency-
0 n/a 0 J4200 DIMM0 Control FB-DIMM Micron Technology E20BCA01 CL5.0/5.0
0 n/a 1 J4300 DIMM1 Control FB-DIMM Micron Technology E20BCA0C CL5.0/5.0
0 2-slot 0 J0901 DIMM0.0 Data DDR_SDRAM Micron Technology E010DF6E CL2.0/2.5
0 4-slot 1 J0900 DIMM1.0 Data DDR_SDRAM Micron Technology E010DF67 CL2.0/2.5
0 4-slot 2 J1300 DIMM2.0 Data DDR_SDRAM Micron Technology E010DF63 CL2.0/2.5
1 n/a 0 J4200 DIMM0 Control FB-DIMM Micron Technology E20BC9AC CL5.0/5.0
1 n/a 1 J4300 DIMM1 Control FB-DIMM Micron Technology E20BC9AE CL5.0/5.0
1 2-slot 0 J0901 DIMM0.0 Data DDR_SDRAM Micron Technology E010DF95 CL2.0/2.5
shownode 411