Command Reference Guide

The shownodeenv command displays the node operating environment status, including voltages
and temperatures.
shownodeenv [options <arg>...]
Any role in the system.
n <node_ID>...
Specifies the ID of the node whose environment status is displayed. Multiple node IDs can be
specified as a series of integers separated by a space (1 2 3). If no option is used, then the
environment status of all nodes is displayed.
The following example displays the operating environment status for all nodes in the system:
cli% shownodeenv
Node 0
Measurement Reading Lo Limit Hi Limit Status
CPU0 1.32V: 1.31 V 1.28 V 1.36 V Within Tolerance
CPU1 1.32V: 1.31 V 1.28 V 1.36 V Within Tolerance
82563 1.20V: 1.22 V 1.13 V 1.26 V Within Tolerance
31154 1.30V: 1.29 V 1.22 V 1.37 V Within Tolerance
82563 1.90V: 1.92 V 1.79 V 2.00 V Within Tolerance
3.30V: 3.34 V 3.11 V 3.47 V Within Tolerance
PLX 3.30V: 3.32 V 3.12 V 3.47 V Within Tolerance
VCC 5.00V: 5.15 V 4.74 V 5.76 V Within Tolerance
V_PTT 1.20V: 1.20 V 1.13 V 1.26 V Within Tolerance
MCH 1.50V: 1.50 V 1.41 V 1.58 V Within Tolerance
ESB 1.50V: 1.51 V 1.41 V 1.58 V Within Tolerance
FBD 1.50V: 1.44 V 1.41 V 1.58 V Within Tolerance
FBD 1.80V: 1.80 V 1.69 V 1.89 V Within Tolerance
VTT_FBD 0.90V: 0.91 V 0.84 V 0.95 V Within Tolerance
ESB 1.20V: 1.21 V 1.13 V 1.26 V Within Tolerance
PLX 1.00V: 1.00 V 0.94 V 1.05 V Within Tolerance
Osprey DDR 1.25V: 1.25 V 1.17 V 1.32 V Within Tolerance
Osprey DDR 2.50V: 2.50 V 2.36 V 2.63 V Within Tolerance
Osprey Lnk 1.87V: 1.85 V 1.76 V 1.97 V Within Tolerance
FPGA 2.50V: 2.50 V 2.36 V 2.63 V Within Tolerance
12.00V: 12.06 V 11.37 V 12.62 V Within Tolerance
MCH Temp: 38 C 0 C 85 C Within Tolerance
Board Temp: 25 C 0 C 70 C Within Tolerance
LM94 Temp: 23 C 0 C 65 C Within Tolerance
LM87 Temp: 23 C 0 C 65 C Within Tolerance
shownodeenv 417