Command Reference Guide

Displays only failed ports.
Displays the detailed state information.
Displays the detailed state information. This option has been deprecated and will be removed in
a future release.
Displays the identities hosted by each physical port.
sortcol <col>[,<dir>][:<col>[,<dir>]...]
Sorts command output based on column number <col>. Columns are numbered from left to right,
beginning with 0. At least one column must be specified. In addition, the direction of sorting <dir>
can be specified as follows:
Sort in increasing order (default).
Sort in decreasing order.
Multiple columns can be specified separated by a colon (:). Rows that have the same information
in them as earlier columns will be sorted by the values in the later columns.
Requests that information for a specified port is displayed. This specifier can be repeated to display
configuration information about multiple ports. If not specified, configuration information for all
ports in the system is displayed.
Specifies the node using a number from 0 through 7.
Specifies the PCI bus slot in the specified node using a number from 0 through 5 for platforms
other than the V-Class. For V-Class systems, the PCI slot number ranges from 0 through 9.
Specifies the port using a number from 1 through 4.
Specifies that the port matching the specified glob-style pattern is displayed. This specifier can be
repeated to display configuration information about multiple ports. If not specified, configuration
information for all ports in the system is displayed.
The following example displays information about all ports in the system:
root@snodeb40:S170# showport
N:S:P Mode State ----Node_WWN---- -Port_WWN/HW_Addr- Type Protocol Label
Partner FailoverState
showport 441