Command Reference Guide

The showsched command shows the state of tasks currently scheduled on the system.
showsched [options][<schedname>|<pattern>]
Super, Service, Edit, Browse
Any extended role in the system.
Specifies that all scheduled tasks will be displayed.
-sortcol <col> [,<dir>][:<col>[,<dir>]...]
Sorts command output based on column number (<col>). Columns are numbered from left to right,
beginning with 0. At least one column must be specified. In addition, the direction of sorting
(<dir>) can be specified as follows:
Sort in increasing order (default).
Sort in decreasing order.
Multiple columns can be specified and separated by a colon (:). rows with the same information
in them as earlier columns will be sorted by values in later columns.
Specifies the schedules with the specified name (31 character maximum), matching the glob-style
pattern. This specifier can be repeated to display configuration information about multiple schedules.
This specifier is not required. If not specified, configuration information for all non-system scheduled
tasks in the system is displayed.
The following example displays information of all scheduled tasks.
cli% showsched -all
------ Schedule -------
SchedName File/Command Min Hour DOM Month DOW CreatedBy Status
Alert NextRunTime
move_back_chunklet1 moverelocpd -f 0,7,14 17 2 * * 0 3parsvc
active Y 2009-03-15 03:17:00 PDT
move_back_chunklet2 moverelocpd -f 1,8,15 17 2 * * 1 3parsvc
active Y 2009-03-16 02:17:00 PDT
move_back_chunklet3 moverelocpd -f 2,9 17 2 * * 2 3parsvc
active Y 2009-03-17 02:17:00 PDT
showsched 471