Command Reference Guide

If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent sample.
Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report. This is the default.
Select hourly samples for the report.
Select daily samples for the report.
-groupby <groupby>[,<groupby>...]
For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of <groupby> items. Each
<groupby>must be different and one of the following:
NODE The source controller node for the link
QUEUE The XCB queue
NODE_TO The destination controller node for the link
Only the specified node numbers are included, where each node is a number from 0 through 7.
This specifier can be repeated to display information for multiple nodes. If not specified, all nodes
are included.
The following example displays aggregate hourly performance statistics for all nodes and links
beginning 24 hours ago:
cli% srstatlink -hourly -btsecs -24h
The following example displays daily node link performance aggregated by node for nodes 0 and
cli% srstatlink -daily -attime -groupby node 0 1
srstalink 565