Command Reference Guide

The following example shows how to use the tunealdvv command to change the availability
level of a virtual volume (testvol) to cage. Note that because the default availability parameter
setting (ha) for tunealdvv is cage, it is not necessary to explicitly specify cage-level availability
when issuing this command.
cli% tunealdvv testvol
Task 2 started.
The following example shows how to use the tunealdvv command to add a disk filter specifying
that the logical disks supporting virtual volume testvol must use chunklets on physical disks 20
and 31 only.
cli% tunealdvv p dk 20,31 testvol
Task 3 started.
The following examples shows how to start, cancel, and then restart a tunealdvv operation on
VV testvol:
cli% tunealdvv t r5 ha mag testvol
Task 1 started.
cli% canceltask 1
Are you sure you want to cancel task 1?
select q=quit y=yes n=no: y
cli% tunealdvv restart testvol
Task 2 started.
This command was deprecated in the 2.2.4 release and will be changed or removed in a
future release. Use the tunevv command in the future.
Automatic chunklet selection for relocations will prefer selection of chunklets on physical disks
with the same device type as the source. Use the p devtype option to override this default.
Use the showpd command to see the device types of physical disks in the system.
When canceling a tunealdvv task, the canceltask command can return before a
cancellation is completed. Thus, resources reserved for the task cannot be immediately
available. This can prevent actions like restarting the canceled tunealdvv task. Use the
waittask command in your scripts to ensure orderly completion of the tunealdvv
cancellation before taking other actions. See waittask (page 665) for details about using the
waittask command.
This command is only used for the non-provisioned VV. The tunevv command should be used
instead to create a VV that has its user space provisioned from a Common Provision Group.
646 Tune Commands