Operating System Software User Manual

3PAR InForm Management Console 4.1.0 User’s Guide
362 320-200231 Rev A
Configuring Synchronous Long Distance Remote Copy
Pinging Remote Copy Links
Note: 3PAR Remote Copy requires a 3PAR Remote Copy license. For
additional information about the license, see the 3PAR InForm OS Concepts
Configuring Remote Copy Ports
To configure a Remote Copy over Fibre Channel (RCFC) port or a Remote Copy over IP
(RCIP) port:
1. In the Manager Pane, click Remote Copy.
2. In the Common Actions Panel, click Configure RC Port.
The <Port Type> Configuration wizard appears.
3. Select a system from the System list.
The remaining fields in the wizard change to reflect RCFC or RCIP set up depending on
the system selected.
4. Select a port from the Port list.
5. The remaining fields are populated with the selected port's information.
6. Follow the directions in Configuring an RCFC Port
or Configuring an RCIP Port to edit the
port information.
7. Click OK.
See also:
Manager Pane
Common Actions Panel
Configuring an RCFC Port
Configuring an RCIP Port
Viewing Remote Copy System Ports