Event Monitoring Service Version A.04.00 Release Notes

Event Monitoring Service Version A.04.00 Release Notes
Compatibility Information and Installation Requirements
Chapter 1 15
Your requests are retained when the monitors are updated, or when you re-install a monitor
on top of an existing monitor. This is part of the functionality provided by the persistence
While installing EMS, the installation process may modify /etc/services, /etc/inittab,
or /etc/inetd.conf files. If the files are modified, a copy of the unmodified version is
available in the /etc directory. For example,
/etc/inittab will be copied to /etc/ems_inittab.old
/etc/services will be copied to /etc/services.old
/etc/inetd.conf will be copied to /etc/inetd.conf.old
Removing EMS
To remove EMS, use the swremove utility or the Software Management tools in SAM. Note
that the monitors are persistent; that is, they are always automatically started if they are
stopped. Therefore, the following warning message may be created in your log file:
Could not shut down process.
The following error message is displayed:
File /etc/opt/resmon/lbin/p_client could not be removed.
Even if you see these warnings, monitors are removed and any unwanted files are cleaned up
on reboot.
CAUTION When you remove EMS, all log files are also removed. If you wish to save any of
the EMS log files, rename them or store them before you remove EMS.