Event Monitoring Service Version A.04.00 Release Notes

Event Monitoring Service Version A.04.00 Release Notes
Patches and Fixes in this Version
Chapter 118
Problem: Certain EMS files have permissions on them that are to open. The
/etc/opt/resmon/log directory currently has permissions 777 (along with
/var/opt/resmon/log), and the /etc/opt/resmon/persistence/runlevel4_flag has 666.
Resolution: The permissions on the /etc/opt/resmon/log, and /var/opt/resmon/log
directories have been changed to 755. This ensures that only the EMS monitors and core
processes can log into the directories. The permissions on the
/etc/opt/persistence/runlevel4_flag has been changed to 644.
Problem: Within the EMS Configuration tool accessed via SAM, the resource of
/StorageAreaNetwork/events is given as a resource path that a monitoring request can be
defined against. This path should not be accessible through this interface. If a request against
this resource path was configured through the EMS interface, there is a possibility that the
request would be lost. Requests against /StorageAreaNetwork/events should be configured
through monconfig (OnlineDiag).
Resolution: EMS has been modified so that it does not allow configuration against the path of
/StorageAreaNetwork/events. This is achieved by adding /StorageAreaNetwork/events
to the classes.config file that EMS GUI uses to filter out requests.
Problem: Not all resource requests are seen in the EMS GUI when more than 1023 resource
instances have monitoring requests established against them. The resource requests exist,
but they are not displayed by the EMS GUI.
Resolution: When the framework returns resource instance information back to a requester, it
fills in a table with the resource instances. The table size was fixed to 1023, and additional
resource instances were simply ignored, and not returned to the caller. The code is fixed so
that it does not limit to 1023.