Event Monitoring Service Version A., A., and A. Release Notes

are provided with the templates. You can then download the templates by clicking the Receive
for Free button at the bottom of the page.
Disk Requirements
You will need approximately 8 MB of disk space on your system to install EMS.
The following EMS log files require 4 MB of disk space in the/etc/opt/resmon directory:
An additional 2 MB disk space is required for reslog.html, and reslog.old.html for
archiving monitor data. Apart from 6 MB monitor disk space, you may have to reserve additional
disk space for EMS monitors logging.
Memory Requirements
To run EMS, memory space of approximately 3 MB is required on your system.
Installing EMS
EMS checks the resources for local systems only. EMS is most effective when installed and
configured on all systems in your environment.
EMS must be installed on each node that you want to monitor. EMS can be installed on a running
system in a multiuser mode.
NOTE: Updated monitors may have new status values that change the meaning of your
monitoring requests. When you update a monitor:
Check for recent updates of the EMS bundle to ensure compatibility with the new monitor.
Review your existing monitoring requests to ensure that they are current and reasonable
for the new monitor.
IMPORTANT: In a Serviceguard cluster environment, EMS must be updated on each node in
the cluster.
The EMS bundle (EventMonitoring) contains the following file sets:
Table 1-3 EMS Product Filesets
Contains the EMS framework.
Contains the EMS framework man pages and catalogs,
configuration scripts, start-up scripts, libraries, and EMS Agent.
Provides the EMS tool definitions for integrating into ServiceControl
Contains EMSHAWrapperProvider.
Contains xml schema and mof files for EMSHAWrapperProvider.
10 Event Monitoring Service Version A., A., and A. Release Notes