Event Monitoring Service Version A., A., and A. Release Notes

NOTE: To use the new library which contains the fix for the defect QXCR1000794678, after
installing the EMS depot, you must kill the kcmond daemon, if the daemon is running. To
kill the kcmond daemon, first, obtain the pid (process ID) of kcmond by using the ps -ef
| grep kcmond command. Then, use the kill -9 <pid> command to kill the kcmond
daemon. The daemon will restart automatically.
In the EMS A. version (HP-UX September 2008 Application Release) the fix for
QXCR1000794678 will be available, and the steps to restart the kcmond daemon will be
handled automatically during the installation phase of EMS.
Software Availability in Native Languages
EMS does not provide native language support. However, separate native language versions of
documentation are available as part of bundle EventMonitoring with the following options:
ABA: American English
ABJ: Japanese
List of Documents available with the Product
The following documents are available with EMS:
Event Monitoring Service Release Notes
Using the Event Monitoring Service manual
These documents are available on http://docs.hp.com/en/ha.html.
Software Availability in Native Languages 13