AutoSYNC Software User's Guide (Update 17)

Command Interpreter
HP AutoSYNC User’s Guide522580-018
#SOURCEFILE is replaced with the name of the original source file. For
OSS files, the absolute pathname is specified.
#RECOVERFILE is replaced with the name of the file that was recovered
by AutoSYNC. If no archive name is found, AUTOSYNC substitutes the
placeholder question mark (?) for the file name. For OSS files, the absolute
pathname is specified.
#MAPNAMES is replaced by the mapnames-file that is configured for the
syncfileset using the MAPNAMES option. If the MAPNAMES option is not
specified, AUTOSYNC substitutes the placeholder question mark (?) for
the mapnames-file. This option is applicable to Guardian syncfilesets only.
TRIGGERONFILESET { tacl-command | shell-command }
specifies a tacl or OSS shell command that is executed by AutoSYNC after the
complete file set has been successfully synchronized. This is in contrast with
the TRIGGER option that executes the tacl or shell command for each file that
is synchronized.
The trigger is executed if files have been replaced or purged during the
synchronization, or if a file error has occurred that did not cause the
synchronization to fail.
The trigger is not executed if no files have been replaced or purged during the
synchronization, or if an error other than a file error has occurred that caused
the synchronization to fail.
The command supports a set built-in arguments. Each argument starts with a
pound sign (#) and is terminated by a TACL delimiter character such as space,
comma (,), or by a OSS shell delimiter such as space, semicolon (;), and so
on. Arguments are not case-sensitive.
The built-in arguments are the following:
#SOURCEFSET is replaced with the original source file set name.
#DESTFSET is replaced with the destination file set name.
#FSETCOUNT is the number of files in the source file set.
#SYNCCOUNT is the number of files replaced on the destination.
#COUNTNOTBKUP is the number of files not backed up.
#COUNTNOTREST is the number of files that were not restored.
used in conjunction with the OPENUPDATE option, instructs AutoSYNC to
synchronize a file even if the source file is being updated as it is being