CORBA 2.6.1 Programmer's Guide for C++

terminating a thread, Terminating Execution of a Thread
thread-specific data, Saving and Retrieving Thread-Specific Data
using a thread, Creating and Using Threads
using a timer with, Using a Timer for a Thread
yield() method, Using the yield(), join() and cancel() Methods
vthread.h header file, Using the NonStop CORBA Portable Threading (vthread) API
wait() method
for a condition variable,
Creating and Using a Condition Variable
for a thread timer, Using a Timer for a Thread
wait_for_completion() method, Writing a Client Wrapper for a Context-Free Pathsend Requester
Waited I/O operations
TS/MP server wrapper with,
Calling a Context-Free or Context-Sensitive Pathsend Server for Waited Operations
when not to use, Calling a Context-Free or Context-Sensitive Pathsend Server for Waited Operations
Worker objects
using in Pathsend client wrappers,
Writing a Client Wrapper for a Context-Free Pathsend Requester
using in TCP/IP client wrappers, Writing a Client Wrapper for a Remote (TCP/IP) Client
Wrappers, legacy (see Legacy wrappers)
WRITEREAD requests,
Writing a Client Wrapper for a Context-Free Pathsend Requester
XID broker, Transaction Branches and the Diamond Access Problem
XID broker process, Components of Transaction Service Implementation
yield() method, Using the yield(), join() and cancel() Methods
Appendix C. Servant Reference Counting in