CORBA 2.6.1 Programmer's Guide for C++

shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
print "Configuring $SERVER_CLASS"
# Set G_HOMETERM to the terminal identifier on which standard
# output is displayed.
# When HOMETERM env variable is set the script used to fail.
# The format of the HOMETERM set will be checked for $<Telservname>.<Term>,
# if it is not of the required format then it will use the default
# HOMETERM set using who -m command
DEFAULT=$(echo $HOMETERM | awk -F "." '{ print (($1 ~ /^[$][A-Za-z0-9]+/) && ($2 ~ /^[#][A-Za-z0-9]+/));}')
if [[ $DEFAULT -eq 0 ]]; then
# HOMETERM variable was not set explicitly, construct
# the Guardian form of the home terminal identifier
# Get information about current terminal
if [[ -n "$HOMETERM" ]] then
print "Warning: The HOMETERM set externally is not of the format $<TelServ name>.#<Term>."
print "Proceeding with the Default Term."
ID=$(who -m)
# Strip off user name
TEMP=${ID#*\ }
# Get the terminal name
# Get tcp process name
# Get Guardian form of home terminal
[[ -n $VERBOSE ]] && print "Standard output will appear on $G_HOMETERM"
# Start a PATHMON environment:
# 1. Get "default" volume name. This is where the PATHCTL file is
# created by PATHMON. We'll create the PATHMON log file there as well.
# 2. Blindly create the PATHMON log file. If it is already there, ignore
# the error.
# 3. Start the PATHMON process
PMLOG=$(info_define -detail =_DEFAULTS | awk '/VOLUME/ {print $3}').${PATHMON}LOG
gtacl -c "fup create $PMLOG" > /dev/null 2>&1
gtacl -c "pathmon/name \$$PATHMON,nowait,out $PMLOG/"
sleep 1
# Configure the pathway server pool.
# The command line below turns into something similar to either:
# gtacl -p pathcom $XNDM << eof
# or
# gtacl -p pathcom $XNDM > pathcom.log << eof
# depending on whether the "verbose" option was passed to this script.
# This causes the chatty pathcom output to sent to a file under normal
# circumstances. If one wants to see the pathcom input, use the -v
# option when invoking this shell script.
eval gtacl -p pathcom \\\$${PATHMON} ${USELOG:+"> pathcom.log"} <<eof
set pathway maxassigns 8
set pathway maxparams 8
set pathway maxserverclasses 4
set pathway maxserverprocesses 10
set pathway maxstartups 40
set pathway maxtcps 0
set pathway maxterms 0
set pathway maxdefines 27
set pathway maxpathcoms 8
set pathway maxspi 8
set pathway maxlinkmons 16
set pathway maxexternaltcps 0
set pathway maxprograms 0
start pathway cold !
[ Bank server
reset server
set server processtype oss
set server pri 150
set server cwd $PWD
set server program $PWD/bank
set server hometerm $G_HOMETERM
[ SQL defines
set server DEFINE =acctcat, class catalog, subvol $SQLCAT
set server DEFINE =accttab, class map, file $SQLTAB.accttab
set server arglist "-ORBprofile", "bank_server_pool"
[ set server env NSDOM_CFG_TRACE_POA=1
[ set server env NSDOM_CFG_TRACE_PROXY=1
[ set server env NSDOM_CFG_TRACE_GIOP_FW=1
[ set server env NSDOM_CFG_TRACE_GCFEH=1
[ define to use SRL
set server define =_SRL_01, class map, file $NSD_SRL_SUBVOL.NSDSRL
set server stdin /dev/null
set server stdout $PWD/server.log
set server stderr $PWD/server.log
[ See TS/MP Manuals and Tuning Notes Appendix A.