Data Transformation Engine Resource Adapter Reference Guide

Chapter 2 - Resource Adapters Use On the Command Line
Resource Adapters Reference Guide
Password adapter command (
-PASSWORD), the Table Name adapter command
-TABLE), and the Update adapter command (-UPDATE) override those
settings obtained from the .mdq file.
Override both a data source and a target adapter command:
mercator XferMsgs -ID1 "'-MDQ /share/prod.mdq -DBNAME LgcyProd
-USER shaz -PASSWORD shaz01 -TABLE ActiveMsgs -UPDATE'"
This example shows a situation in which both an input and an output are
being overridden. For the data source (
-ID1), the .mdq file
(/share/prod.mdq), database name (LgcyProd), and query (xToday)
are specified. For the data target (
-OD1), an Oracle database (ProdDB) is
designated by the connect string. Subsequent adapter commands specify
the user ID (shaz), password (shaz01), and table (ActiveMsgs) to be
For Windows Sources and Targets on the Command Line
When using execution commands on Windows platforms, the specified adapter
commands must begin with a single quote and end with a single quote. Separate
each command with a space within the single quotes.
For example:
Note When reference is made to a single quotation mark in this documentation, it is
referring to the ASCII character 039 that is created by selecting the key to the left
of the Enter key on a PC keyboard. The double quotation mark character is the
ASCII character 034, created on the PC keyboard by pressing Shift plus the
double quotation mark-single quotation mark key to the left of the Enter key.
For UNIX Sources and Targets on the Command Line
When using execution commands, while running in a shell environment on UNIX
platforms, the specified adapter commands must begin with a double quote,
followed by a single quote and end with a single quote, followed by a double
quote. Separate each command with a space within the single quotes.
For example:
-IAMQS1 "'
command1 command2