Data Transformation Engine Resource Adapter Reference Guide

Chapter 2 - Resource Adapters Use Using Wildcards
Resource Adapters Reference Guide
Using the RUN Function
In a RUN function, use adapter commands with the appropriate Input Source
Override execution command or the Output Source Override execution command
to override particular settings.
The following example shows using a RUN function to specify adapter commands
without using a database/query file (.mdq):
RUN ("somemap.mmc",
"-od1 '-dbtype oracle -connect remotedb –user " +
userid:profile + "-password" + password:profile +
"-table purchordr'")
In this example, a map named somemap.mmc is being executed. The output of
this map is to be inserted in the PurchOrdr table in an Oracle database defined
by the RemoteDB connect string. The logon, user ID, and password settings are
retrieved from an input card named Profile.
For more information about using the
RUN function, refer to the Functions and
Expressions Reference Guide.
For more adapter-specific usage information, refer to each adapter-specific
chapter in the various adapter reference guides.
Using Wildcards
The use of wildcards is supported by resource adapters in adapter command use.
Note Not all adapters support wildcards. Refer to the specific adapter documentation for
If resource adapter commands with wildcards are used with event triggers on
input, events are coordinated to ensure that wildcards are matched. A wildcard
value returned from an event trigger is used in other non-input event input cards
or output cards, substituting any wildcard value that may exist in any of their
For example:
Input card 1 (event): MQSeries
MID = *
Input card 2 (not-event): MQSeries
MID = 123*456
Output card 1: File
Filename = OUT*.TXT
If a message is received from input card 1 with a message ID of XYZ, then: