OmniMessaging ZLE Adapter Programmer's Guide 6.2

OmniMessaging ZLE Mail Adapter Installation Guide
Opsol Confidential and Proprietary 10
} ADAPT_ReturnCode;
/* Roles for composing a mail using Zle adapter*/
typedef enum
} ADAPT_Role;
/* Delivery Status Notification (DSN) related flags */
typedef enum /* Flag specifying conditions under which DSN is sent */
{ OMNI_NODSN = 0, /* Default value DSN is not sent */
OMNI_FAILUREONLY = 1, /* DSN is sent only if mail cannot reach the recipient */
OMNI_SUCCESSONLY = 2, /* DSN is sent only if the mail can reach the recipient */
OMNI_SUCCESSFAILURE = 3, /* DSN is sent in either case */
typedef enum /* DSN flag for the originator */
{ OMNI_UNSPECIFIED = 0, /* Default value DSN is not sent */
OMNI_HEADERONLY = 65536, /* DSN is sent with only header information */
OMNI_FULL = 131072 /* DSN is sent with complete message */
/* Encryption flags */
typedef enum
{ OMNI_NO_ENCRYPTION = 0, /* Default value No encryption */
OMNI_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE = 1, /* Message is digitally signed */
OMNI_ENCRYPT = 2, /* Message is encrypted */
OMNI_DS_ENCRYPT = 3 /* Message is digitally signed and encrypted */
} ADAPT_Encryption;
typedef struct OMNI_recipient_tag
{ char name[144];
char address[132];
unsigned short role;
unsigned short DSNFlag; /* DSN flag for each recipient */
} OMNI_recipient;
typedef struct OMNI_attachment_tag
{ char content_type[80]; /* Content type of the attachment */
char content_subtype[80]; /* Content subtype of the attachment */
char name[101]; /* Name of the attachment */
char location[36]; /* Guardian location of the attachment as
} OMNI_attachment;
typedef struct OMNI_sendMessage_tag
{ unsigned short request_type;
unsigned short returnCode;
char orig_name[144];
char orig_address[132];
unsigned long origDSNFlag;