OmniMessaging ZLE Adapter Programmer's Guide 6.2

OmniMessaging ZLE Mail Adapter Installation Guide
Opsol Confidential and Proprietary 6
Field Name Data Type Required
(R) /
Value I/O
request_type OMNI_ReqType R OMNI_GETTEL I
returnCode ADAPT_ReturnCode O
message_id char R Message Id to be fetched I
attachments OMNI_attachment O
attach_count unsigned short No of attachments retrieved O
message_body char Char buff up to 25000 bytes O
headers OMNI_headers O
org_msg_filename char O (Null if not
retrieve original message
without any parsing
get_only_org_msg unsigned short O (FALSE if
If TRUE, only original
message is retrieved
without any parsing. Else
original message along with
attachments and header
information is retrieved.
3.5 Delete Email Message
The client application should populate the fields of OMNI_delMessage IPC.
The SERVERCLASS_SEND_ will result in mail being deleted.
IPC structure: OMNI_delMessage
Field Name Data Type Required(R)
request_type OMNI_ReqType R OMNI_DELETE I
returnCode ADAPT_ReturnCode O
orig_address char R Mail address I
password char R Password I
mailbox_name char R INBOX (or other if set) I
message_id char O * Message Id to be deleted I
uid unsigned long O * Unique ID of Message to
be deleted
* One of the two, message_id or UID is required. If both are specified, UID is picked
and message_id is ignored.
3.6 Forward Email Message
The client application should populate the fields of the OMNI_forwardMessage IPC.
The SERVERCLASS_SEND_ will result in a mail message with specified message Id
being forwarded to the destination addresses.
IPC structure: OMNI_forwardMessage
Field Name Data Type Required (R) /
Optional (o)
Value I/O