OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide
Action: Declare the <kw>(pipe) data type with a <kw>(typedef) so the <kw>(pipe) has a
name associated with it.
0x1328302d NIDL_ANONTYPE
Severity: Varies Component: idl
Text: Declaration of %1$s cannot contain an anonymous type
Explanation: The type specification for the parameter, field or <kw>(union) arm
<v>(name) contains a data type that is an anonymous <kw>(struct) or <kw>(union).
Since such a type is unique and not compatible with any other type, the generated stubs
cannot generate code to access the type.
Action: Move the <kw>(struct) or <kw>(union) declaration into a <kw>(typedef) and
modify the declaration of <v>(name) to use the newly created type name.
Severity: Varies Component: idl
Text: An arm of a union cannot be or contain a [ref] pointer
Explanation: IDL-generated server stub code must allocate storage for objects pointed to
by <kw>([ref]) pointers. IDL does not allow a <kw>([ref]) pointer within a <kw>(union)
because the valid arm of the <kw>(union), and therefore the object for which storage is
allocated, is not known at compile time.
Action: Change the pointer within the <kw>(union) declaration to a full pointer.
Severity: Varies Component: idl
Text: An arm of a union cannot be or contain a [unique] pointer
Explanation: IDL-generated server stub code must allocate storage for objects pointed to
by <kw>([unique]) pointers. IDL does not allow a <kw>([unique]) pointer within a
<kw>(union) because the valid arm of the <kw>(union), and therefore the object for
which storage is allocated, is not known at compile time.
Action: Change the pointer within the <kw>(union) declaration to a full pointer.
Severity: Varies Component: idl
Text: Array attribute variable cannot be used for both [cs_char] and non-[cs_char] arrays
Explanation: In a structure or parameter list, any variable which specifies the
<kw>([size_is]) or <kw>([length_is]) for a <kw>([cs_char]) array must not be referenced
in any attribute of a non-<kw>([cs_char]) array.
Action: Use separate structure fields or operation parameters to specify array attributes
for the non-<kw>([cs_char]) array.
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