OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide
bad level "%s" tcl_s_proc_bad_level
Bad manager type parameter to
Bad mechanism-type in gss_display_status gss_s_ds_bad_mech
Bad name . %s sec_rs_login_bad_name
bad operations "%s": should be one or more of rwu tcl_s_cmdmz_bad_opr_more_rwu
Bad or invalid dce attr binding handle dce_attr_s_bad_binding
Bad or invalid dce attr cursor dce_attr_s_bad_cursor
Bad or invalid dce attr name(s) dce_attr_s_bad_name
Bad or invalid dce attr schema object name(s) dce_attr_s_bad_schema_name
Bad or wrong arguments dced_s_invalid_arg
bad parameter for acl operation sec_acl_bad_parameter
bad parameter for schema or attribute operation sec_attr_bad_param
Bad propagation type. sec_prop_bad_type
bad propagation type after prop operation sec_rgy_rep_bad_prop_type
Bad ’pwdexpdate’ date string supplied. dcp_s_rgy_bad_expdate
Bad relative time string supplied. dcp_s_rgy_bad_reltime_string
Bad rgy database state. sec_rgy_bad_rgy_db
Bad routing specification svc_s_bad_routespec
Bad routing specification. dcp_s_log_inv_routing
bad scan conversion character "%c" tcl_s_cmdmz_bad_scan_conv_char
bad search mode "%s": must be -exact, -glob, or
bad security context handle sec_rgy_bad_handle
Bad signal trap formatting specification ’%%s’,
expected one of ’%%’ or ’045S’.
Bad size for policy data sec_rsdb_bad_policy_data
bad software version sec_rgy_rep_bad_sw_vers
Bad specification %s in DSA configuration file.n GDS_S_BAD_DSACONF
bad state sec_rgy_rep_bad_state
Bad time string supplied. dcp_s_rgy_bad_time_string
Bad token type (%2.2x %2.2x) in
Bad token type in gss_verify gss_s_vfy_bad_tok_type
Bad UUID version uuid_s_bad_version
Bad version of log file sec_rs_log_bad_version
Base propagation sequence in the log header : %s sec_rs_log_base_prop_seq
BER of value encoding too long (%d bytes) gss_s_wrap_ber_long
Bind lookups disabled. cds_s_gda_nodns
B14 Tandem Computers Incorporated 124330