SQL/MP Programming Manual for COBOL

SQL/MP System Procedures
HP NonStop SQL/MP Programming Manual for COBOL529758-003
error-info output
indicates the results of the call. The procedure returns zero after a successful
operation. Otherwise, it returns a nonzero value to indicate an error or warning. For
a description of SQL errors, see the SQL/MP Messages Manual.
The SQLSADISPLAY procedure displays the execution statistics of SQL statements in
tabular form.
Because the PREPARE statement continually redefines the fields of the SQLSA
structure during the execution of dynamic SQL statements, SQLSADISPLAY does not
display an SQLSA structure returned by a PREPARE statement.
sqlsa required input
is the SQLSA to be displayed. The SQLSA is automatically declared in the
program when you specify the INCLUDE SQLSA directive.
sqlca optional input
is the SQLCA that contains the procedure name and line number of the SQL
statement that sets the SQLSA to be displayed. If the SQLCA name is not
included, the display does not contain the procedure name and process name of
the caller. The SQLCA is declared automatically if you specify the INCLUDE
SQLCA directive.
out-file-num optional input/output
is the output file number. If you omit this value or set it to a negative value,
SQLSADISPLAY displays information on your home terminal. SQL/MP ignores this
parameter if detail-params specifies sequential I/O (SIO).
Note. Although version 315 SQL/MP software supports the SQLGETSYSTEMVERSION
procedure, HP might not support this procedure in a future PVU. If you are running version 300
(or later) SQL/MP software, use the GET VERSION OF SYSTEM statement to return the
version of a system. For information about this statement, see the SQL/MP Reference Manual.
[ sqlca, ]
[ out-file-num, ]
[ detail-params ].