SQL/MP Programming Manual for COBOL

SQL/MP System Procedures
HP NonStop SQL/MP Programming Manual for COBOL529758-003
detail-params optional input
determines whether sequential I/O (SIO) or Enscribe I/O is used for writing to the
output file. A COBOL program usually omits detail-params and uses Enscribe
I/O (the default). The parameter detail-params points to a structure with this
TAL declaration:
STRUCT detail^params;
out^fcb^1 INT .EXT;
out^fcb^2 INT .EXT;
specifies whether sequential I/O is used:
specifies the first output file control block if SIO is enabled.
specifies the second output file control block if SIO is enabled. To use this field,
assign it a value greater than 0.
Example of the SQLSADISPLAY Display
SQLSADISPLAY displays statistics in this format:
SQL statistics @ \system.$vol.subvol.file.#line process cpu,pin
Records Records Disc Message Message Lock
Table Name Accessed Used Reads Count Bytes WE
The elements of the SQLSADISPLAY procedure display are:
Y Use SIO; ignore output-file-number.
N Do not use SIO; write to output-file-number.
Element Description
The fully qualified file name of the calling program
The line number of the calling program
process cpu,pin
The process ID of the calling program
Table Name
The name of each table
Records Accessed
The number of records accessed in each table (this
includes records examined by the disk process, the
file system, and the SQL executor)