X25AM Programming Manual

PTP Applications
X25AM Programming Manual527201-001
PTP Programming Tasks
The remote network address must be specified before posting the CONTROL. This
is done with the SCF subdevice attribute DESTADDR. Use SETPARAM 1 in your
application to override the configured value.
WRITEREAD (data-exchange mode 2):
Your application writes a Call Request. The network response is returned in the
file-system buffer.
Reading Incoming Data or Other Packets
Use the following command to read incoming data or other packets (depending on the
data mode):
Writing Outgoing Data or Other Packets
Use the following command to write outgoing data or other packets (depending on data
Writereading Data or Other Packets
Use the following command to writeread data or other packets (depends on data
Clearing a Call
Use the following functions to clear a call:
CONTROL 12 (data-exchange modes 0, 1, 2, and 3):
A Clear packet is written to the remote device.
The application can set the Cause and Diagnostic bytes. Most networks require the
DTE to use 0 for Cause. If your application does not set these values, they default
to 0,0.
WRITEREAD (data-exchange mode 2):
Your application writes a Clear Request. The network response is returned in the
file-system buffer.
When all of the application opens are closed, PTP clears the call.
CALL READ (filenum, buffer, read^count,
count^read, nowait^tag)
CALL WRITE (filenum, buffer, write^count,
count^written, nowait^tag)
(filenum, buffer, write^count,
read^count, count^read, nowait^tag)