HP Matrix Operating Environment 7.3 and 7.3 Update 1 Logical Server Management User Guide

Configuring Extensible Server Adapter (ESA)
ESA provides server operations for logical servers and HP Matrix Operating Environment
infrastructure orchestration.
ESA is installed and configured with Matrix OE. This section includes ESA configuration details,
so that you can change the default configuration if it is required in your environment.
Configuring Operations Orchestration credentials in ESA
For ESA to invoke OO workflows, it is necessary to configure the OO credentials. The assumption
is that OO and ESA are installed on same CMS (Central Management Server). You must update
the OO password and restart the ESA service from the Windows service console.
Open the esa.properties file, located in C:\Program Files\HP\Virtual Server
Environment\conf. Change the following and restart the ESA service from the Windows service
##OO - Configuration
esa.oo.admin.password=<oo password>
After ESA is installed as part of Matrix OE, the WSDL is available at http://localhost:52000/
esa/services/serverservice?wsdl. The XSD file (esa-server-model-1.0.xsd) can
be found at C:\Program Files\HP\Virtual Server Environment\esa\etc\xsd\
For more information about HP Operations Orchestration and ESA, see the Server Workflows for
HP Matrix Operating Environment white paper at Enterprise Information Library.
ESA configuration is stored in a property file called esa.properties, included in the C:\
Program Files\HP\Virtual Server Environment\conf directory. The parameters that
you can configure include:
Operations Orchestration system IP address
Operations Orchestration username and credentials
Operations Orchestration replytoURI
This is the URI to which OO posts the results of the workflow. This value is passed to the
workflow as an input parameter.
Workflow path
For example, in the workflow path ESA/Get Server Info, ESA is the folder name and
Get Server Info is the flow name.
Following is an example ESA properties file.
### WorkFlow Details
#esa.oo.*.path - Indicates the path of the work flow relative to Library folder in OO.
#timeout value in milliseconds.
#SERVER WorkFlows
esa.oo.get.server.info.flow.path = Hewlett-Packard/ESA/Server/Flows/Get Server Info
esa.oo.get.server.info.flow.type = ASYNCHRONOUS
esa.oo.get.server.info.flow.status = ENABLED
esa.oo.get.server.info.flow.timeout = 60000
###OO - Configuration
#esa.oo.communication.protocol - Protocol for communicating with the OO server.
#esa.oo.admin.username - Username of OO server.
#esa.oo.admin.password - Password of OO server.
#esa.oo.host - indicates the ip address of the OO server.
Authorizations, requirements, and configuration 29