Neoview Database Administrator's Guide (R2.2)

This task configuration is the same as the example above, except that by specifying the -cf
option, the output data will be concatenated into a single file named
-ss neo0001 -sn NEO-CMSERVER \
-ii "SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM NEO.DB.T1 BROWSE ACCESS" \
-pt NEO.DB.T1 -ot FILE -oi /home/roledba/data/extract-OCT01 \
-nf 5 -fd ,-of n -cf Y -un role.dba -pw roledba
This task configuration performs a serial mode extract task. Character set conversion has
been disabled, and the output will be to a single output file named
-ss neo0001 -sn NEO-CMSERVER \
-ii "SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM NEO.DB.T1 BROWSE ACCESS" \
-ot FILE -oi /home/roledba/data/extract-OCT01 \
-fd ,-of n -cc N -un role.dba -pw roledba
This task configuration uses a named pipe which would be created as
/home/roledba/data/daily-extract-OCT01-1. The data will be written in delimited
-ss neo0001 -sn NEO-CMSERVER \
-ii "SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM NEO.DB.T1 BROWSE ACCESS" \
-ot PIPE -oi /home/roledba/data/extract-OCT01 \
-fd ,-of n -un role.dba -pw roledba
Check the gcmd.log file for each command to see if the task configuration completed successfully
NOTE: You can view syntax help by entering this command at the prompt:
Step 2: Start an Extract Task
To start an extract task, issue a gcmd command on the Linux platform with requestType
gcmd -rt START_TASK argument-list
For example, the start command for the example in Step 1 is:
gcmd -rt START_TASK -tk DAILY-EXTRACT -ti OCT01 -un role.dba -pw roledba
For descriptions of each command argument, see “Command-Line Arguments for Extract Tasks”
(page 127).
Check the gcmd.log file to check whether the load task was successfully started.
Step 3: Confirm Completion of the Extract Task
To verify that the extract completed successfully, check the log file for each load task. The gelserver
data-load process for each extract task creates a log file named
task-name.task-instance-name.log in the log directory specified at the time of installation
(typically /opt/tandem/genus/gel/log). This log file contains messages that indicate the
success or failure of the load task.
For descriptions of the messages, see “Step 3: Confirm Completion of the Data-Load Task”
(page 95).
122 Using the Neoview Loader