CORBA 2.6.1 Programmer's Reference

class Fw_Thread
Container for parts that generically wrap critical threading functionality provided by different platforms,
such as UNIX, NonStop Kernel Open System Services (OSS), and Microsoft Windows NT.
API Data
static bool cv_trace_enabled
Triggers tracing within Fw_Thread parts.
typedef void( *Dtor_Function )( void * )
Signature of get_/set_specific destructor to be called upon thread termination.
typedef void * Id_ptr
Type for thread identifiers.
enum Priority
Used to determine the priority for a new threads execution. Default_Priority = 1,
Higher_Priority = 2, Lower_Priority = 3.
typedef unsigned int Return_Type
Type of value returned by a thread function.
typedef Return_Type (*Function)(void *)
Signature of thread functions.
enum Stack_Size
Used to determine the stack size for the new thread's execution. Minimum_Stack_Size =
16384, Default_Stack_Size = 65536, Maximum_Stack_Size = 32768000.
#define FW_THREAD_RETURN return 0
Helper define for returning out of a thread function without passing data back to the creator.
API Methods
static Id_ptr create( char *pp_name, Function pv_function, void
*pp_arg, Priority pv_priority, unsigned long pv_stack_size =
Default_Stack_Size )
Creates a new thread named pp_name, to execute pv_function, given pp_arg, at
pv_priority, using the Default_Stack_Size. The result can be used in join, detach, and
cancel methods.
static int cancel( Id_ptr pp_tid )
Cancels the thread pp_tid. Returns zero if operation was successful.
static int detach( Id_ptr pp_tid )