Data Transformation Engine FTP Adapter Reference Guide

FTP Adapter Reference Guide
Chapter 5 - Troubleshooting
For information about error codes and messages returned by the adapters, see
Appendix A - Return Codes and Error Messages.
Various troubleshooting tools are available in case of problems using the FTP
adapter for data sources or targets for a map. For example, if you attempt to run
a map that uses the FTP adapter and encounter problems or do not receive the
expected results, use the following adapter troubleshooting tools:
adapter audit log (.log)
adapter trace file (.mtr)
Adapter Audit Log
The adapter audit log is a text file created during the adapter execution that
records information about the events that occurred during the adapter activity. To
produce an adapter audit log, use the adapter command
(–AUDIT). The default log
name is m4ftp.log and is located in the map directory. See the Trace(
adapter command for more information.
The adapter audit log contains information including the:
host identifier
files sent or received
size of each file
elapsed time
retry count for each file
Sample FTP Adapter Audit Log
Receiving from Host: localhost
Filename Filesize Time Retry
-------------------------------- ---------- ---- -----
rollback.gif 183 KBytes 000s 0