File Utility Program (FUP) Management Programming Manual

File Utility Program (FUP) Management Programming Manual523322-001
An increased number of index levels that cause slower random access time
Physical declustering of data on the disk causing slower sequential access time
(due to an increased amount of disk read/write head movement), and a reduced
capability to perform large I/O transfers
An online reload operation performed by ORSERV eliminates these abnormalities.
During the reload operation, ORSERV allows the shared-exclusion mode and the
read/write access mode for the target file.
STATUS returns the status of a reload operation for either an executing or a completed
reload operation. Use this command to monitor the progress of a reload operation and
determine if it should be suspended.
SUSPEND suspends an executing online reload operation. Use this command to stop
an ORSERV process that is performing a reload operation. This command lets you
suspend an ORSERV process (and restart it later) if reload operations are degrading
the performance of other applications on the system.
The ORSERV process is created automatically when you use FUP (interactively) to
execute the RELOAD, STATUS, or SUSPEND commands. Figure 1-2 shows an
example of FUP creating the ORSERV process.
Figure 1-2. Using FUP Interactively
ORSERV executes the RELOAD, STATUS, or
SUSPEND command and returns a reply to
FUP in an SPI response buffer.
FUP executes most interactive commands and returns a
reply to the user. For the RELOAD, STATUS, or SUSPEND
command, FUP starts an ORSERV process and sends it a
command in an SPI buffer. FUP then returns a reply to the
user after receiving the reply from ORSERV.
A user starts a FUP process
and enters a FUP interactive
command at the FUP prompt.