NonStop SOAP for Java User's Manual

Installing NonStop SOAP for Java
NonStop SOAP for Java User’s Manual523860-001
NonStop SOAP for Java Directory Structure
activation.jar. This JAR file contains the classes that make up JavaBeans
Activation Framework.
nssoap.jar. This JAR file contains NonStop SOAP for Java specific classes.
.java and .class files. The .java files contain the code for the SOAP client and
the SOAP service including some helper classes. Samples like SOAP-EJB,
contain just the SOAP client files. The .class files are the compiled .java files.
DeploymentDescriptor.xml. This file contains the deployment descriptor for the
sample. Most of the samples can be run using this file unchanged. However,
for specific samples, you need to edit this file. For example, the SOAP-EJB
samples you need to include the information for the ContextProviderURL
(which is NSEJB installation specific).
README. The README file contains details about the sample and includes
information on using the sample and pre-requisites to building and running the
samples. This script file does the following:
Deploysthe service described by the DeploymentDescriptor.xml file.
Verifies that the service deployed is present.
Executes the client .class file and display the results.
Undeploys the service.
Verifies that the service is undeployed.
soap.war. This WAR (Web Application Resource) file contains a collection of
files needed to create a Web application in a single file using the Zip
compression algorithm.
soap4java.config. This file contains the NonStop SOAP for Java configuration
file. This file contains the environment variable.