OSI/FTAM Programming Reference Manual

APS Procedures
HP NonStop OSI/FTAM Programming Reference Manual528611-001
This procedure allocates and initializes a segment that holds context information for all
of your API associations. This procedure must be the first FTAM procedure you call in
your program. Call it only once.
error returned value
indicates the outcome of the call. This value can be either a negative APS error
code or a positive file-system error number. For the possible errors, see in
Appendix B, NonStop FTAM Initiator Error Messages. For the possible file-system
errors, refer to the Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual.
swapvol input
contains the name of the optional disk volume you wish to use as the swap volume
for your API segment. The volume name must be in internal form (blankfilled on
the right). If this parameter is omitted, the volume used for swapping the data stack
of the program is used by default.
Because this procedure does not perform any file-system I/O operations, the
request is always completed immediately after the procedure call. Even in nowait
mode, do not call MFM_AWAITIOX_ to complete this procedure.
Once you have successfully called this procedure, subsequent calls to the same
procedure are rejected with an error (ZAPS-ERR-INVALID-OPERATION) and are
error := APS_INITIALIZE_ ( [ swapvol ] ); ! I