OSM Service Connection User's Guide (G06.30+)

Example: Battery (1.1.28)
Service State
Displayed in the Attributes tab and Attributes dialog box only if the value is
something other than OK. Values
Manufacturer Identifies the manufacturer of the component.
Power State
Indication of whether the component is powered on. Values
Charge State
The condition of the battery CRU.
Fully Charged: The battery is fully charged.
Charging: The battery is in the process of being charged.
Critical:T he battery needs recharging or replacement.
Unknown: The battery is not responding, and its state cannot be determined.
Enabled State
The initial state of the power supply CRU at the time of discovery. Values
Upper Voltage Sensor
Current Value The current voltage of the upper twelve cells of the battery.
Lower Voltage Sensor
Current Value The current voltage of the lower twelve cells of the battery.
Differential Voltage Sensor
Current Value The current voltage difference between the upper and lower cells of the battery.
Total Voltage Sensor
Normal Minimum Value
The minimum voltage that the battery should maintain is 42 volts.
If the battery's Total Voltage falls below 42 volts, an alarm is generated.
(If the Total Voltage falls below the Disconnect Voltage Limit of 39.6
volts, the battery is disconnected.)