TR3271 Management Programming Manual

Table 2-1. TR3271 Programmatic Commands (Page 2 of 2)
LISTOBJECTS Returns the names of a line and subdevices
known to the TR3271 subsystem.
LOAD Initiates a download of the Communications
Line Interface Processor (CLIP).
RESET Places the CLIP in the boot state.
RESETSTATS Returns statistical information about a line
and subdevices and then resets the statistics
counters to the subsystem default values.
START Initiates the operation of a line and
STATISTICS Returns statistical information about a line
and subdevices.
STATUS Returns information about the current state of
a line and subdevices.
STOP Terminates the operation of a line and
SWITCH Changes the system resources used by a process
or a line.
TRACE Initiates, modifies, or terminates trace mode
on a line.
Table 2-2 shows the correspondence between the Subsystem Control
Facility (SCF) commands a human operator issues to control and
monitor the TR3271 subsystem and the programmatic commands a
management application sends to the subsystem. For clarity, the
table contains the command and object names in the form that you
must use in applications. However, later in this manual, for
example in the text and headings for the command descriptions,
the commands and object types appear in a shortened form (that
is, without the ZCOM-CMD- and ZCOM-OBJ- prefixes).