HP Remote Graphics Software 5.4.0 User Guide

RGS Receiver installer is the version that is expected to be started by the script in /opt/hpremote/
rgreceiver/hprgsaudio. A different version may require adjustments to this script to provide different
options for the JACK daemon.
The JACK Audio Connection Kit is installed as an RPM package. The RGS Receiver will run on systems
without audio hardware, but the Receiver will not run without the libraries provided by the JACK RPM
package. If the RGS Receiver is being removed from the system, JACK can also be removed using the
following command.
rpm -e jack-audio-connection-kit
3.2.4 Installing the Sender on Linux
NOTE: The Linux RGS Sender can only be installed on the computers and Linux operating systems
shown in
Supported computers and operating systems on page 9. Installing the Sender on a non-
supported computer will prevent an RGS connection from being established.
Like the Windows RGS Sender, the Linux RGS Sender also requires a License Key in order to establish
an RGS connection. For information on RGS Sender licensing on Linux, see the HP Remote Graphics
Software Licensing Guide, available at
To install the Sender on Linux, perform the following steps:
Log in as root.
Go to the directory where you downloaded RGS, and change to the directory lin64/sender.
Execute the following command:
This command will give you a choice of performing a manual installation or a partially automated
installation (automating steps 5 and 6). The RGS Sender will be installed to /opt/hpremote/
This last step of the install is optional, and will ask if you would like to automatically customize the
following files to enable proper function of the Linux Sender:
/etc/X11/XF86Config or /etc/X11/xorg.conf—The configuration file for the preferred X
server will be modified to load the rge extension in the “Modules” section. If a different X
server configuration is used, that file must be manually configured to load the rge module.
/etc/pam.d/rgsender—This configuration file will be modified to allow the Sender to interact
with the currently supported PAM authentication.
/etc/pam.d/gdm*, /etc/pam.d/kdm*, /etc/pam.d/xdm*—These configuration files will be
modified to ensure proper PAM authentication window manager support for the Sender
process. If a different window manager is in use, that file must be manually configured.
The rgsender_config_64-*.rpm provides an automated way to handle the standard customizations
described below. This is especially useful for network or unattended installations requiring default
PAM authentication settings. The rpm can also be run independently of the install script.
NOTE: This automated step must be performed after any actions that install their own X server
configuration files because, in step (a) above, these files are modified to load the rge module
required for proper Sender functionality. If these files are replaced or modified later, the modules
modifications described below must be correctly executed.
Installing RGS on Linux